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Burgen und Schlösser Rees

Burgen und Schlösser (Rees)
details: Title: Burgen und Schlösser (Rees)
Distance: 39 km
Inclination: Flat as a Pancake
Surface: asphalt, broken stones

From Niederrhein to the Netherlands
Ship-Ticket for 2 persons
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Burgen und Schlösser (Rees) Castles and legends have by no means lost their allure and continue to fascinate anybody with an interest in culture and leisure activities. The Niederrhein area is particularly rich in castles. No less than five exciting castles grace the 40 km Castle Cycle Tour Rees: Hueth Castle, the ruins of Empel Castle, Aspel House, Battenberg Tower and Bellinghoven Castle. The route is also ideally suited for visiting Rees and its suburbs of Bienen, Millingen, Empel, Haldern and Haffen.

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Cycle Route 2897529 - via

Additional Info

  • length: under 50 km
  • increase: flat
  • Cities on the route: , Rees, Bienen, Millingen, Empel, Haldern, Haffen