
Welcome at the Niederrhein

Niederrhein Gans, Freizeit am Niederrhein, Hotel am Niederrhein is the new site for travellers who want to visit the Niederrhein, for people who look for experiences and activities in the region and for everybody who is interested in the Niederrhein. No matter whether you are interested at art and culture or history and information about the cities, here you can find everything about the Niederrhein.

On you can find most important information on accommodation, hotels, restaurants, sights and a lot more at the Niederrhein. Here you can plan your next visit to Niederrhein or your next weekend-trip.

In addition you can find the best bicycle routes and an eventcalendar on, you have the opportunity to buy event-tickets directly and take advantage of the newest “Niederrhein-Top-Deals”.

Niederrhein Erlebnisangebote events

Niederrhein Map overview
Find all the local information you need on the general map presented by Go to map

Please note: Not every entry on this website is translated, so it may be possible to find German entries. Please excuse any mistake due to translation errors or current organisational changes.

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